Digitally engaging doctors around the world

Pharmaceutical marketing budgets are going through a period of readjustment as companies explore and exploit a myriad of different digital channels to deliver content to, and engage with, their doctors and other audiences.
The average allocation to digital channels with marketing budgets has doubled since 2016, up to 34% for 2020 according to Indegene research, and over a third of companies expect digital budget allocations to increase by more than 50% over the next three years.
But making effective use of these resources to reach doctors around the world increasingly remains a challenge for pharma companies.
M3’s new Engaging Doctors Around the Globe whitepaper explores the most pressing challenges that pharma will encounter when planning and delivering a global digital marketing campaign.
It features insights from industry experts, and M3’s head of commercial excellence Katy McPherson and executive vice president Tim Russell.
They explore the need for local knowledge, how to establish and then utilise trusted relationships with HCPs, and why the time is right for a global-to-local approach.
The publication also provides advice on:
- Producing credible, engaging and relevant content
- Meeting regulatory requirements
- Delivering impactful campaigns
- Defining and proving return on investment
- Tailoring content to different markets
- Addressing the needs of global customers
At a time when embedding a digital strategy as a prominent component of a pharmaceutical marketing campaign is becoming ever more important, when many digital capabilities are overstretched and fail to make a cohesiveness of resources.
To guard against that a clear strategy and senior level support is needed so that pharma companies can acquire the appropriate talent and form effective partnerships that are needed to effectively engage with doctors around the world.
You can view the Engaging Doctors Around the Globe whitepaper here or by clicking on the button above or below.