Available on-demand: COPD, connecting real world needs to patient centric solutions

COPD is a widespread, costly and largely preventable condition which affects over 300 million people worldwide and is recognised as the ‘third-leading’ cause of death in most countries. Adherence rates among patients with the condition are seen to be low, despite evidence that shows appropriate use of medication and sensible lifestyle changes can reduce mortality by 60% and hospital admissions by as much as 42%.
Given the proven increase in quality of life when adherence occurs, and yet the persistence of non-adherence globally, there is clearly a disconnect. So why is poor self-management so prevalent and what can we do about it?
In conjunction with self-management and behavioural change specialists Atlantis Healthcare, we present a multi-stakeholder webinar and debate, which will combine real world patient needs with expertise from healthcare and patient advocates to look at the challenges to successful self-management/adherence and ascertain what the industry can do to better support patients in achieving optimum outcomes.
The webinar is comprised of 15 minutes of presentation and 40 minutes of live debate - which you can participate in, sending questions to the panel.
Free to view,the webcast originally broadcast onFebruary 4th 2015.
This is the second webinar within the Patient Insights Summarized series, you can view the first, centred around diabetes.
Your panel for this event is:
Ana Maria Arboleda, Managing Director, Atlantis Healthcare Spain
Dr Joan Escarrabill, Director of the Master Plan for Respiratory Diseases, Ministry of Health (Catalonia)
Prof. John Weinman, Head of Health Psychology, Atlantis Healthcare
Rolf Taylor, Senior Director, Corporate Development, COPD Foundation
Paul Tunnah (Moderator), CEO, pharmaphorum
To view the on-demand webcast please click on the button above /below.
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