The treatment has been around for over a century but insulin has still become the centre of the ongoing discussion over pricing of pharmaceutical products.
The US Senate will vote in the coming weeks on whether to introduce a $35 cap on the monthly cost of insulin to patients that was endorsed by President Joe Biden in his 2022 State of the Un
The man who sent the price of lifesaving drug Daraprim (pyrimethamine) rocketing from $13.50 a tablet to $750 overnight has been ordered to repay $64.6m (£47m).
Biogen has cut the list price of its Alzheimer's disease therapy in half from $56,000 to $28,200 a year, before the outcome of an ongoing reimbursement review of the drug by the US governme
Under fire for abandoning a plan to allow Medicare to negotiate drug pricing, Democrats in the Senate have reached an agreement that could see the policy reintroduced in the Biden administr
President Joe Biden has jettisoned a raft of policy proposals aimed at curbing the price of prescription medicines as part of the US administration's $1.75 trillion 'build back better' fram