How to evaluate an omnichannel solution: A simple framework

Sales & Marketing
How to evaluate an omnichannel solution: A simple framework

In today’s complex communications landscape, the path of information from sender to recipient is not as straightforward as it once was. Customers expect seamless and personalised interactions across various touchpoints, creating a labyrinth of engagement opportunities for marketing teams to navigate. As businesses strive to meet expectations and stay competitive in an increasingly saturated field, one engagement method continues to attract the interest of commercial and medical teams, seeking ways to get the right message to the right person: omnichannel.

“No matter how vast and comprehensive your data, when you’re seeking to engage at the right time and place, data alone won’t get you there. You have to integrate your marketing technology, digital channels, and data to utilise these signals as a way to understand the interests and needs of your audience,” explains omnichannel marketing and analytics lead at Lumanity, Lindsay Lare. “The great thing about an omnichannel solution is you can tailor to specific individuals, making it personalised, as opposed to just an audience as a whole.”

However, the path to achieving true omnichannel excellence is interwoven with a complex array of factors that collectively contribute to success. Most notably, a major undercurrent of false narratives and promises can lead teams in the wrong direction and cause confusion. Some decision points are more pivotal than others, as well, like selecting the right omnichannel partner. To help take the very first step and keep your team focused on the most important qualities and functionality, Lumanity has developed a simple but digestible framework that is deliberately void of buzz.

• Read the full article in pharmaphorum's Deep Dive digital magazine
