KOL Mindset Mapping

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kol mindset mapping

Once you have successfully identified, mapped, and begun engagement with your KOLs, the next step in the KOL management cycle should be to assess, benchmark, and track KOL mindset.


A mindset mapping study enables you to gauge KOLs views on key therapeutic and management issues. It also enables you to judge the alignment of KOLs with your data, messages, and scientific story. What do they think, what do they believe, what drives them, how do they perceive you?


Why is all this important? Firstly, it allows you to establish the current state amongst your KOLs, and then track the evolution of their mindset over time. Secondly, it enables you to accurately assess the impact of your KOL activities and initiatives – how is your work changing the needle amongst your KOLs? Finally, good mindset data also enables you to better customise and target your scientific messaging activities – which KOLs would benefit and welcome more information and data on specific topics?


KOL mindset mapping research can be done at any point, with an appropriate frequency to effectively track changes over a period of time. It can even be done in anticipation of competitor data releases to observe the impact that has had on KOL thinking, thus allowing you to adjust your initiatives in response. We even conduct mindset mapping before and after key congresses to see the impact of major data on KOL thinking.


What are the key factors to ensure a successful mindset mapping exercise? Involving the right KOLs at the right level is critical –  are you looking to engage the most important KOLs, or are you seeking more frontline Experts? And however tempting it may be to flood the KOLs with a variety of questions on every conceivable topic, it’s important to keep the mindset exercise focused on benchmarking and tracking the most important issues around drugs, data, and disease.


KOL mindset mapping research can help you to get a true unbiased picture of KOL thinking, segment your KOLs with precision, and rapidly respond to changing beliefs amongst your most important Experts.


Lisa Chandler

Managing Director

+44 (0) 7899 065111



System Analytic

System Analytic