Future focus: 3 tools for launching fast in the face of uncertainty

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Rocket taking off

Imagine you had a crystal ball which allowed you to see into the future and understand exactly how your life science launch would pan out. You could see the barriers that would impact your clinical trials, the siloes slowing down decision making, and even look far into the horizon to understand how your product launch would impact the entire portfolio.

While no one has access to a magical fortune-telling device, some tools can help you plan for the many uncertainties that could influence your launch. Numerous factors can slow down a product launch, and these barriers only become more challenging in an accelerated and rapid timeline. Tools like scenario planning, the target product profile, and a commercialization blueprint can help you develop a battle-ready strategy that focuses the organization on critical launch objectives and sustainable benefits of the product.

Fishawack Health interviews Dan Twibell, Head of Commercial Strategy in our consulting team, to explore how biotechnology companies can remain agile when navigating the path to an accelerated or fast-track launch without overstretching limited resources.

Have you noticed a trend in launches becoming faster and more complex during the past couple of years?

Absolutely, there is an emerging theme of “hurry up and wait.” Life science companies hoping for an accelerated launch need to prepare for an aggressive timeline. However, they are also aware that the regulatory body may not grant them accelerated or fast-track approval, and they could be working at a much slower pace. So, we’re seeing clients who are planning for two parallel paths to launch–one where they need to hurry up and move at lightning speed and one where they need to wait and take a slower, more measured approach.


Fishawack Health

Fishawack Health