Pfizer’s kidney cancer drug ‘not cost effective’ says NICE


Rebecca Aris


NICE announced today that Pfizer’s new kidney cancer drug, Inlyta, was not a cost-effective use of NHS resources and that it would not be recommend for funding.

The Appraisal Committee calculated the QALY for Inlyta to be too expensive for NHS use.

“Before we recommend any new treatment we have to be sure the evidence on how well it works is robust and that it is cost effective. We do not want to divert NHS funds to a treatment that costs more but doesn't help people live longer."

“When evaluating a new drug, the Appraisal Committee looks at how effective it is when compared to a treatment previously identified as appropriate in the scope of the appraisal."

Sir Andrew Dillon, NICE Chief Executive

This followed a similar decision for Xalkori. Yesterday, it was announced that Pfizer's targeted lung cancer drug Xalkori ‘could not be considered a cost-effective use of NHS.’


Related news:

NICE nixes Pfizer's targeted lung cancer drug as too pricey (Fierce Pharma)

NICE 'no' for Pfizer's Inlyta in kidney cancer (Pharma Times)

Reference links:

Pfizer gets new rebuff from UK cost body for cancer drug (Reuters)

NICE issues final draft guidance on a new kidney cancer drug (NICE)

NICE consults on new draft recommendations for lung cancer drug (NICE)


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