4th Antigen Specific Immune Tolerance Summit

The 4th Antigen Specific Immune Tolerance Digital Summit (ASIT) brings together industry representatives from the fields of autoimmunity, allergy, immuno-oncology and transplantation to tackle the complexities behind autoimmune disorders head on. With momentum building for antigen specific immunotherapies, ASIT 2021 will be the only antigen-specific summit offering thought-leading content to drive the field towards a more precise and ethical antigen-specific approach to drug development.
This is the industry’s definitive antigen specific drug development forum.
Across 3 packed days, thought leaders from Novartis, ImCyse, Harvard Medical School, Toleranzia, Toralgen will reveal insight, data, and lessons learned from the last 12 months to enable you to hurdle the roadblocks preventing the development of clinically safe and effective antigen-specific immunotherapies for autoimmune and immune mediated disorders.
Access the official agenda for more information.