What is pharmaceutical market access?

The UK PM Society’s Market Access Interest Group (MAIG) undertook a comprehensive survey on the topic of market access, where it sought the views of both industry and agency. The answers were diverse, demonstrating the difficulty in defining this vast and varied area. Craig Bradley, head of MAIG, explains the findings and how they are guiding the development of the organisation in his feature article in Deep Dive: Market Access II.
The open survey was conducted to determine how well market access was understood, what the barriers and opportunities were, and to establish if there was broad uniformity in how market access was defined and developed.
There were 104 responders, comprised of 50% from pharma, 41% from agencies and the remainder from contract research organisations (CROs) and medical device companies.
Insights probed in the article include:
- One of the biggest challenges that market access faces is the fact that there is no real consensus on what it is.
- There is new emphasis on processes, reflecting how much change there is in the organisational structures and agendas of the NHS.
- The main challenges facing those working in market access include budget/pricing pressures and access to key decision makers.
Read more in the full article here.
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Read the full Deep Dive: Market Access II magazine here.
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