Doctor/pharma relationships: the latest research

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As digital transforms the landscape of communication, how are physicians today interacting with pharma and healthcare resources, what is their perceived value of these resources, and is there variation across European countries? Writing in the latest edition of Deep Dive: Digital II, Paul Rice examines the results of research conducted with doctors in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the UK to find out.

Highlights from his article include:

  • The huge shift in knowledge sharing has affected how doctors interact with the healthcare industry as a whole and the pharma industry, specifically.
  • The research delivered in-depth insights into the proportion of time doctors use digital resources, and for what reasons.
  • If pharma companies want to reach doctors, their websites alone will not suffice. However there is still a role for the medical rep.

Read the article here.

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Read the full Deep Dive: Digital II magazine here.

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Linda Banks