Empowering MSLs to be the kings of Pharma’s New Frontier

Sales & Marketing

The demand for high-calibre, sharply-focussed clinical knowledge and data is increasing as HCPs streamline and recalibrate their engagements with the pharmaceutical sector.

But, although open opportunities are diminishing and time slots are being squeezed, MSLs are emerging as the ideal ambassadors to ensure the science and data reaches the right targets and makes connections.

The MSL is increasingly becoming pivotal to relationships and a new whitepaper Empowering MSLs to be the Kings of Pharma’s New Frontier explores the benefits of adding high-grade communications to their arsenal of talents. Delivering scientific knowledge in a compelling fashion is a core MSL function but organisations will benefit from gearing up their skills with coaching that equips them to manage engagements with tailored approaches. Coaching message alignments, deliveries along with improving listening and understanding competencies creates improved performance and job satisfaction with the benefits radiating across balance sheet returns and corporate well-being, experts say.

The whitepaper highlights insights from industry practitioners who report uplifts across an MSL’s field performance and career progression as well as boosts to brand and corporate reputation. Implementing, and resourcing, coaching strategies is now a characteristic of ambitious, high-achieving companies, the experts contend. The whitepaper concludes that coaching needs to be part of a modern organisation’s DNA.  

About 60 Seconds

60 Seconds is a remote coaching app designed to help users communicate with greater clarity through practice, coaching and measurement. It was built by a coach for coaches to deliver measurable learning momentum. For more information visit: 60seconds.com