Changing personnel dynamics in the pharma world

An economic downturn always has effects that reverberate across an industry, and perhaps one of the most visible reverberations is in the realm of personnel - more layoffs and less hiring are major bellwethers of the economic health of a space.
In pharma, where talent is paramount, it's an especially important dynamic.
In this episode of the pharmaphorum podcast, brought to you by Advanced Clinical, Advanced Clinical’s SVP strategic resourcing Steve Mattas and VP of global talent and client delivery James Nyssen speak with host Jonah Comstock about findings from a recent report by their company on the current personnel dynamics in pharma.
Though some of the broad strokes might not be too surprising – a downturn means layoffs, especially in pre-clinical biotechs – the specifics are dynamic, nuanced, and fascinating. Steve and James break down what the current environment means for pharma companies and employees who might be finding their staffing situation in a shake-up.
They also get into the realities of recruiting and contract work in the pharma world and how those functions interact with the larger trends in the space, and how the current situation could have challenging knock-on effects down the road, even as the economy recovers.
You can listen to episode 90 of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer, or find it – and subscribe to the rest of the series - in iTunes, Spotify, acast, Stitcher, and Podbean.
And you can check out the report itself, “Current & Future Clinical Research Hiring Trends: What's Ahead for 2024”, here.