Reuters Pharma Barcelona 2023

Reuters Pharma Barcelona April 2023

The Reuters Pharma 2023 event is live in Barcelona and pharmaphorum is on site to provide readers with rolling coverage of the speakers and concepts as unfolds over the next few days.
Our full remit of live blogging will begin from tomorrow, Tuesday 18th April. See here for an overview and updates on Day One, Day Two, and the event’s close on Day Three.
From AstraZeneca on the PHSSR collaboration for health resilience and sustainability to Sanofi on health equity, from Servier on innovation and social impact to Janssen asserting a ‘patients first’ mentality in healthcare decision-making – Reuters Pharma 2023 is sure to inspire conversations and spark innovative synapses this year.
And pharmaphorum is in attendance from start to finish. Watch this space…

Click here or the image below to view Day 1 live coverage

Reuters Barcelona Day 1


Click here or the image below to view Day 2 live coverage

Reuters Barcelona Day 2


Click here or the image below to view Day 3 live coverage

Reuters Barcelona Day 3


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