Careology joins forces with remote care support firm RedArc


Digital cancer care platform Careology has joined forces with RedArc, which provides long-term support for people with serious illnesses.

RedArc has a team of registered nurses that provide support and expert advice by phone to people after referral from insurers, trade unions and groups such as trade unions.

The new partnership provides RedArc nurses with digital tools that will help them care for cancer patients.

Using leading Bluetooth wearable and connected technology, the Careology platform allows RedArc nurses to quickly view real-time health and wellbeing data, including a patient’s temperature, heart rate, mood, journal entries and activity levels.

Access to this information can help provide consistent and effective practical advice and emotional support to patients remotely.

No financial details were disclosed about this latest deal.

In October, Careology linked with doctors at the private London General Practice, a private GP group with around 50,000 people on its books.

This allowed the doctors to remotely monitor patients.

Careology launched its remote monitoring service for cancer patients in the UK last summer, with Macmillan Cancer Support among early adopters of the tool.

The company points out that it offers a way to remotely manage or proactively support patients going through gruelling and often extremely toxic treatment regimes.

Patients themselves have to reach out if they have severe symptoms or side-effects at home.

It’s also a challenge for them to recall how they felt on particular days and assessing the impact and complications of treatment can be unreliable as results.

The system produces red flags and alerts in markers such as vital signs, systemic anti-cancer toxicities and medication adherence.

This allows early and proactive interventions to support the patient, with the potential of saving lives.

The company has its own dedicated NHS division headed by Dr Henry Carleton who has already established two software businesses that serve the health service.