Harnessing omnichannel, AI, and beyond: Reimagining scientific publications

Artificial intelligence (AI) and omnichannel have come to seem mere buzzwords these days in the life sciences – everyone is talking about them, everyone wants to use them. But without knowledge of the fundamentals of correct implementation, following the trend means nothing. Nonetheless, with the right strategy and full understanding of what these two technologies offer in terms of business and customer needs, the benefits can be plentiful.
When it comes to the specifics of transforming scientific publications, though, where to begin?
In order to find out more, join us on Monday 13th November at 10am ET / 3pm GMT / 4pm CET for a webinar brought to you by the Healthcare Consultancy Group (HCG), a leading global group of healthcare communications agencies.
‘Harnessing Omnichannel, AI and beyond: Reimaging Scientific Publications’ will bring together industry panellists to share insights and lessons learned from their own professional lives on successful transformation with AI and omnichannel, and the hurdles that can occur along the way.
The discussion will explore key trends and their implications in the dynamic landscape of scientific publications concerning AI, omnichannel approaches, and also data amplification.
During this panel discussion, other key points to be addressed include:
- Opportunities to maximise the complementary effects of AI to enhance the impact/effectiveness of scientific publications.
- Developing effective omnichannel strategies to ensure scientific publication content is precisely reaching the right audience at the right time, utilising the desired channels.
- Optimising congress and journal enhancements to further extend the reach/accessibility of scientific content.
Register now to learn how to truly harness AI and omnichannel and take your scientific publication on its data-amplified journey.
James Dathan – Astrazeneca
James is a Global Publications Manager at AstraZeneca. He has been in post for 18 months and previously spent several years working in agency, learning from some outstanding colleagues, focusing on financial management and digital innovation, winning several in-house innovation designs for, and I quote, 'his silly ideas'! James has always been at the forefront of change management and he keeps pushing and ‘professionally bothering people’ in his current role to push innovation and impact. James passionately hates the phrase ‘we’ve always done it that way.’
Maria Galindo Perez - Bayer
Maria is a biology teacher by training with a PhD in Biochemistry. She started in Bayer Venezuela many years ago as Xarelto MSL, combining her passion: teach and research. Six years ago, she moved to Germany as Medical Strategy Implementation Lead and then head of the group, leading the MSL readiness in cardiovascular. And since last year, Maria is the Head of Medical Communications and Publications Excellence across the therapeutic areas in Bayer Global, based in Basel.
Dr Robert Matheis – ISMPP
Robert is currently the President and CEO of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP). Prior to this, he was Executive Director and Head of Global Scientific Communications with Celgene Corporation, after serving as Senior Director of Evidence Based Medical Communications with Sanofi. Robert has a long tenure within medical publications and communications and has been an integral part of ISMPP for nearly two decades, having begun his ISMPP journey as inaugural Chair of the ISMPP Credentialing Board of Directors, with oversight of examination development and establishment of credentialing criteria. He served as the 7th President of the ISMPP Board of Trustees and was an influential champion for evolving ISMPP governance for sustainability. Robert is a licensed clinical psychologist with specialisations in behavioural statistics, neuropsychology, and organisational psychology. He is well-published, with an extensive bibliography. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time with his children, staying active, and volunteering for various community organisations.
Sam Kew (Moderator) - HCG
Sam is a Senior Group Scientific Director at Synergy (part of HCG), with over 20 years’ experience in global medical communications across a variety of therapy areas. Sam has a special interest in medical publications and strategic publications planning and is the Synergy lead for the HCG Publications Centre of Excellence. Sam is an active ISMPP member, sitting on the ISMPP Publications Practices Committee. She holds a PhD from the University of Southampton, UK and has been CMPP-certified since 2012.
Rajni Parthasarathy - HCG
Rajni is a Vice President of Scientific Services at ProEd Communications (part of HCG) and has successfully provided scientific and strategic support and leadership in the development and execution of a wide array of medical and scientific communications deliverables for over eight years. Rajni specialises in medical publications, strategic pub enhancements, and publications planning over a wide variety of therapeutic areas. She has been CMPP-certified since 2017 and, as an active member of ISMPP, she leads several thought leadership initiatives for the HCG Publications Centre of Excellence. She holds a PhD from the University of Illinois, Chicago.
James Godding - HCG
James is a publications specialist with 14 years’ experience, and is the Chameleon lead for the HCG Publications Centre of Excellence. James has experience in managing all aspects and types of publications, including abstracts, posters, oral presentations, primary and review manuscripts, metrics and database analysis, publications enhancements, and planning and strategy development, across global, regional, and local levels and multiple therapy areas. James holds a BSc from the University of Sussex, UK and has been CMPP-certified since 2012.
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