Pricing & Market Access Outlook 2015/2016 Edition

Debates & Insight
PMA 2015 2016

Pricing and market access (P&MA) are key issues for the pharma industry as healthcare budgets continue to tighten and the value of innovative drugs, particularly in areas of high unmet need, becomes infinitely harder to assess.

PMA coverPharma and payers are pushing to find a balance between budget management and patient access. Pricing has consistently been a pressure point. This is even more extreme today with the shift to specialty products and treatment of rare diseases. As P&MA becomes central to commercialization, P&MA as a function is crucial to achieving leadership through this challenging environment. However, it is important that we not just identify trends – but as an industry we stay ahead of them and even influence their evolution. P&MA cannot be just a source of expertise within pharma – it needs to be a proactive leader of business results, shaping the future and engaging with stakeholders, and influencing decision-making.

The IMS Health P&MA Outlook report is an annual in-depth look at the major issues shaping the payer and reimbursement environment for global pharma products. The 2015/2016 edition contains 12 articles, selected and written by a team of in-house consultants, organized around four main themes.

Unlocking the globe

This section looks at the how the environment in the emerging market is changing for pharma, and how the healthcare systems are becoming more accessible and lucrative for those entering.

  • How to treat more patients and make money in emerging markets
  • Five key trends in the Middle East and Africa

Let's talk about drugs

Here we explore the various pre- and post-launch issues that pharma must consider when conversing with payers.

  • Global negotiation strategy: The 3Ps framework
  • Preparing for battle: Defending value with real-world evidence
  • US payers versus manufacturers
  • Payers and integrated delivery networks: A roadmap to US access

The price is right, right?

In this section, we consider pricing trends in an effort to understand how the industry is evolving at a time of heightened price scrutiny.

  • New tendering trends call for action
  • 2014 product launches: Price premiums versus discounts and time to market
  • This costs how much? Are you crazy?
  • Patients in the US: Do they really matter?

Crystal ball conjectures

We look to the future of the industry to comment on important upcoming changes that are likely to make a sizeable impact

  • Cell and gene therapies: Pushing the envelope of value and access
  • Market access in early stage development: It's time to reboot the system

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