Patient centricity: What it means and why it’s important to have patients at the centre of our thinking

Debates & Insight
Patient centricity: What it means and why it’s important to have patients at the centre of our thinking

Having clear parameters of patient‑centricity that can be measured year-on-year enables Boehringer Ingelheim UK to know if it is moving in the right direction and to set targets for what it hopes to achieve in the future.

Boehringer Ingelheim UK has set itself the challenge of measuring the extent to which it embraces the patient voice throughout its business. It is pioneering a self-scoring system of a few core principles of patient-centric engagement that it hopes will demonstrate year-on-year that it is moving in the right direction.

This white paper discusses the benchmarking initiative, looking at its conception, core principles and goals. A second white paper revealing the results will be published later in the year.