Health wearables: Turning hype into value-added services

The needs of patients continue to be weighed against the burgeoning costs of healthcare. Against this backdrop, life sciences companies seek out cost-effective processes to develop unique solutions for improved outcomes.
In tandem, public adoption of new technology trends has given rise to consumer wearables and trackers. While such products shine a light on personal health management for some users, life sciences companies are taking steps to tap into the public’s uptake of wearables to provide novel solutions that combine treatment and technology, either leveraging existing consumer products or in the form of medical-grade wearables.
“Health wearables: Turning hype into value-added services” is a new pharmaphorum white paper, produced in partnership with SAP. It is the second in a two-part series. The first focused on the current environment for health wearables and discussed the key challenges involved. In this white paper, we examine the steps required in order for life sciences companies and healthcare systems to fully embrace medical-grade wearables as an accompaniment to existing therapies, including:
- Closing the loop with research and development
- Addressing regulatory and data security concerns
- The value that a supporting wearables programme can bring to a product
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Read the first white paper: The hype and the hope: The journey from consumer to medical-grade wearables