Pharma 2022: big pharma will remain a constant

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Analysts casting their eyes forward to 2022 see big pharma maintaining its position in the sector, protected by vast war chests and ready to pounce on any newcomer that shows promise. In the current edition of Deep Dive: Future Pharma, pharmaphorum's Andrew McConaghie crunches the numbers in his feature article.

Points covered in his analysis include:

  • Pfizer, Roche and Novartis top the pharma table – and are set to stay there until at least 2022.
  • Novo Nordisk predicted to deliver the greatest return on investment.
  • But cell and gene therapies, plus AI, digital tech will disrupt pharma business model

Read the full article here.

Read the whole edition of Deep Dive: Future Pharma.

The next issue will be Deep Dive: Market Access II. Sign up for your complimentary subscription here.

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Linda Banks