Healthcare in 2030: what role for pharma?

The healthcare systems of the future will be very different to those of today, with prevention and self-management increasingly important.
Pharma must adapt its approach and collaborate with a wide variety of stakeholders to ensure it remains both relevant and indispensable in this new world, says Pierre Meulien, Executive Director of the Innovative Medicines Initiative, in his article in the current edition of Deep Dive: Future Pharma.
Points covered in detail in his feature include:
- Collective solutions, working in a non-competitive (or pre-competitive) space, will be mandatory to address the biggest health challenges, like Alzheimer’s disease and antimicrobial resistance.
- Experimental models of public-private partnerships must be developed and tested – likely to be more flexible, modular and virtual structures.
- Increasing importance for the social sciences and humanities to help gain public and HCP acceptance and support for new technologies.
Read the full article here. Deep Dive is best viewed in full-screen mode.
Read the whole edition of Deep Dive: Future Pharma.
The next issue will be Deep Dive: Market Access II. Sign up for your complimentary subscription here.