Solution Spotlight: Within3

Within3’s disease community analytics provide an understanding of influence within a disease community – not just expertise. Find rising stars or external experts your competitors haven’t discovered yet. See connections that reveal key influencers you won’t find with profile data alone. We support you every step of the way to ensure your objectives are met, your questions are answered, and value is maximised.
What problem or status quo deficiency are you solving?
Essentially, teams don’t know who they should be engaging. They spend all this money trying to gather insights from the disease community and influence opinion and behaviour, but most of them don’t have a good way of knowing exactly who to engage. This is because they look at people as individuals – not in the context of an ecosystem of KOLs and HCPs. Our solution enables clients to optimise their engagement strategies – whether for insight gathering, or any other purpose. The analytics are an integral part of our Insights Management Platform, designed to maximise an organisation’s insights and strategic performance.
What has made this problem challenging to address in the past?
Not long ago, the answer might have been ‘availability of data’, but databases have been developed that purportedly include almost everybody a client might want to interact with. Use of these legacy database solutions has become entrenched as a way of doing business. But almost every company will talk about getting all their insights from the same 10-12 people, or admit that they aren’t sure whether they’re talking to the right experts. It’s just hard for companies to unlearn established practices and adopt a better method.
What new innovations does your solution bring to bear on these challenges?
We're the only company that provides real community network analytics – we apply government-grade analytics to scientific and medical data. Identifying a person and the 50 people they’re connected to is not network analytics, nor is mapping the top 100 people. We’ll look at 100,000 people across multiple domains to see all the different ways they're connected, and then analyse that mathematically to figure out who are the most important people for our clients’ purposes based on those network connections. Rather than cataloguing individual trees, as traditional databases do, we map the entire forests that are disease communities.
How does your solution work?
We integrate all the data relevant to understanding how disease communities function: all the scientific publications, congress abstracts, and clinical trials associated with a disease; payment data from different countries; the social media data about the disease area; and claims data to understand the treater landscape. Instead of putting this data into a database, we apply network analytics to understand how everyone is connected, and which individuals are most important. Finally, our insights reports provide a complete view of the disease community landscape, and track changes over time. Now, you can see the forest as well as the trees.
What makes your solution stand out in the market?
We’re the only company that applies true network analytics to entire disease communities. We’re also the only company that pulls the insights for you, with Disease Community Insights Reports that tell you everything you need to know about engaging with that community. We don't filter people out – whoever's involved in the community is part of the community. So, when we look at the insights report, we find people that the clients otherwise wouldn't see. In one case, a whole new multimillion-dollar indication was discovered – just by talking to somebody the client had never talked to before.
What concrete outcomes and KPI benefits does your solution convey?
Our DCL ensures clients identify any blindspots, and gather data that accurately reflects their communities. We can drive metrics around HCP preferences that accurately represent the community, and encompass all relevant stakeholder groups. The overall impact is a 7x increase in insight volume, and an even greater impact on insight quality. We also give clients an idea of how many experts they need to engage to reach an entire disease community. That could be 12 people, or several hundred. This provides a really accurate gauge of the scale of effort required, and where it should be applied.
How does your solution compare with similar competitive offerings?
There really aren’t any other solutions that do what we do. Superficially, there are KOL solutions, but no-one is doing this kind of community-level network analytics – which is really critical in terms of making sure you're getting all the insights you need to drive your strategy. We sit on top of traditional solutions to tell you who from that existing database is really important to any strategic or tactical objective. Instead of just picking a set of KOLs with specific individual qualifications, we can identify the KOLs who are best networked within that community to help you achieve your objectives.
What do your customers have to say about this solution?
"I love what you’re doing with the engagement application in KOL mapping. It’s super interesting."
- Manager, Corporate Strategy & Market Intelligence, Medical Device Company
“We wanted to partner with Within3 because we had a data gap… From a thought-leader liaison perspective, it's KOL identification – and that matches with what MSLs are looking for: who's publishing, who's connected to who, what does that interlink look like? From a sales perspective, it's understanding at an HCP level who's connected, and what levers do I pull to get screening moving and have appropriate patients identified and treated?"
- Head of Market Development, Multinational Pharmaceutical Company
What further improvements or innovations do you have in store for the future?
We’re really focused on metrics, and using what we have to track dynamics within communities. For example, we can identify the KOLs clients should be focusing on to measure changes in opinion and behaviour, and we can validate those changes across multiple domains. Our tracking is more reliable because we know who all the people are in the context of the community, and how important they are. We’re also studying ‘tipping points’ in behaviour change, and calculating how far clients are from reaching them. It's exciting to apply network analytics to tracking change and developing predictive models.
About Within3
Within3 is the world leader in life science insights management. The Within3 Insights Management Platform gathers, integrates, and analyzes insights better than any other platform on the market, reducing insight reporting from months to days and eliminating 90% of the workload. Companies use Within3 to drive strategy-impacting decisions up to 3x faster and ensure the customer’s voice is heard across the enterprise. To learn more about the insights management platform or to request a demo, visit