Polymer Chemistry & Formulation in Drug Delivery

Polymer Chemistry & Formulation in Drug Delivery

The increased prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease has turbocharged the increase in demand for polymers in drug delivery systems. With Biorchestra signing a $861m pact to advance CNS targeted polymer nanoparticles, and Nanite Inc. investing $2m in the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to develop polymer gene delivery technologies for the lung, now is the time to unite and advance polymer delivery system pipelines. 
The Polymer Chemistry & Formulation in Drug Delivery Summit is the first meeting of its kind to address the specific advancements and technical challenges of polymer-based delivery systems to enable potent delivery of your given payload across a wide variety of disease indications. 
Join 60+ polymer chemistry, engineering, characterization and delivery experts this May to ensure your polymer delivery systems are optimized for maximum therapeutic impact. With the convergence of cutting-edge research and industry pioneers, this summit provides a unique platform to exchange insights, foster collaborations, and chart the course for the future of polymer-based drug delivery. 
Find out more: https://ter.li/8ut0l4
