The state of UK drug discovery: the pharmaphorum podcast

The UK environment for drug discovery, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on medicines research and the role of complex cell models were all on the agenda for episode 12 of the pharmaphorum podcast.
On it I spoke Chris Molloy, who’s CEO at the UK’s Medicines Discovery Catapult, about the Catapult’s State of the Discovery Nation publication, a joint report with the UK’s biotech trade body the BioIndustry Association.
[caption id="attachment_56107" align="alignleft" width="136"] Chris Molloy[/caption]
The second annual survey from the Medicines Discovery Catapult, the State of the Discovery Nation was released in May and asked where the UK’s ‘discovery nation’ is in good health and whether there are any pressure points or barriers to future growth that it must face up to.
We also looked at the Medicines Discovery Catapult’s unique approach to supporting small to medium-sized life sciences enterprises and the discovery of new medicines.
Two technologies highlighted within the report as being key to maintaining the UK’s global competitiveness were AI and complex cell models, and Chris explained the role of both within the pharmaceutical and biotech drug discovery process.
You can listen to episode 12 of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer or find it – and subscribe to the rest of the series – in iTunes, Spotify, acast and Stitcher.