Roche on COVID-19 healthcare and testing: the pharmaphorum podcast

For episode 30 I spoke with Dr Ashton Harper, who’s head of medical affairs in the UK and Ireland at Roche Diagnostics, about the pressure COVID-19 has put on healthcare systems.
A former NHS doctor, he noted how stressful and draining some days can be when working at healthcare’s frontline - even in normal times, and that the current fight against the pandemic brings little respite to staff.
So we looked at how pharma can help alleviate some of that and Roche’s own efforts to help tackle the pandemic, as well as the place of testing in the global response to COVID.
Dr Harper also gave an overview of the different types of COVID tests that are currently available and where quantitative antibody testing, which is one of the areas Roche is working in, features.
You can listen to episode 30 of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer or find it – and subscribe to the rest of the series – in iTunes, Spotify, acast, Stitcher and Podbean.