Exploring the importance we play in our own health maintenance - a pharmaphorum podcast extra

While at Anthropy 2022, pharmaphorum’s web editor Nicole Raleigh briefly spoke with Karyn Johnston, chief executive of East Cheshire Hospice, who had taken part in the Adelphi Group’s panel, ‘Later life care and dementia’.
Discussing provocative statements, the new Fourth Age, the hundreds of different forms of dementia, and the complexity of patients at end of life – longevity, it was clear, is a gift, but one that comes with its own challenges. Johnston also shares how she revelled in the wide range of discussions held at Anthropy, while the notion of change was a hot topic.
Exploring the importance of the part we play in our own health maintenance, the importance of starting the conversation around assisted dying, and looking at available health and social care in the country as it currently stands – we also discussed the disparity in dementia and cancer care. As a hospice movement, the proportion of cancer patients is dropping, but comorbidities and dementia cases are increasing.
Touching upon the pandemic’s impact on healthcare access – as well as the resultant resentment and anger and having to be a bouncer of raw emotion – Johnston looks to a resilient future inclusive of self-reliance, choice, and control. Additionally, she adds, one that will see industry connect without boundaries, and advancements grow out of collaborative efforts.
You can listen to episode 72a of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer or find it and subscribe to the rest of the series in iTunes, Spotify, acast, Stitcher, and Podbean.