Calculus’s Liz Klein: Investing in a changing landscape

Calculus’s Liz Klein: Investing in a changing landscape

In the ever-evolving realm of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, the intricate dance between innovation and investment shapes the trajectory of groundbreaking discoveries and patient-centric advancements.

Of course, navigating the complex landscape of financial ventures within the pharma and healthcare sectors requires a keen understanding of trends, challenges, and transformative opportunities. To learn more, Deep Dive editor Eloise McLennan sat down with Calculus Capital’s investment director, Liz Klein, to discuss the dynamic world where capital meets compassion.

Eloise McLennan: Can you tell us a little bit about Calculus’s work and the investment landscape in the UK?

Liz Klein: Calculus pioneered tax efficient investing through the launch of its first Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) Fund in 1999 and, subsequently, its Venture Capital Trust (VCT). In simple terms, we’re in the business of helping promising innovative companies in the UK to scale up. These companies often face challenges in raising capital, especially when they are in their early stages and not yet profitable. That’s where EIS and VCT come in. The schemes provide a pathway for these higher-risk businesses to access the capital they need, while offering incentives for UK investors to support them.

• Read the full article in pharmaphorum's Deep Dive digital magazine