The Latest Innovations in HPAPI Manufacturing Technologies

SMi’s inaugural Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients USA Conference, will focus on the latest innovative manufacturing technologies with a special spotlight presentation on effective and safe containment solutions for biologics based HPAPIs, along with cleaning and cross contamination requirements.
Keith Jensen, Owner and Consultant at Keith Jensen Consulting, previously at Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturing, discusses alternative HPAPI manufacturing technologies to reduce powder exposure and improve safety enabling continuous manufacturing. Other points to be discussed include:
- Alternative drug manufacture through nanocrystal formulations, thin films and hot-melt extrusion/injection molding that reduces HPAPI powder exposure and improve safety
- Step-by-step processes along with the equipment needed to achieve alternative HPAPI manufacturing techniques
Richard Denk, Head of Sales Containment from SKAN focuses on:
- Regulatory requirements for highly potent biologics-based Pharmaceuticals
- Requirements for aseptic manufacturing and Containment
- Cleaning and Cross Contamination Requirements
Also, up for discussion will be emerging bispecific HPAPI therapy, from development to manufacturing and multipurpose facilities, along with what level of super high-level band 5 containment is required.
For those interested, a special discounted rate is available for conference tickets booked before August 30th. Register online at
Sponsored by BSP Pharmaceuticals | LONZA | Minakem | SafeBridge Consultants
Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients USA
Conference: October 21st – 22nd
Workshops: October 23rd
Venue: Sheraton Boston Hotel, USA
For delegate enquiries, please contact Fateja Begum on +44 (0)20 7827 6184 or
For sponsorship, exhibition and branding enquiries, please contact Alia Malick on +44 (0)20 7827 6168 or
For media enquiries contact Neill Howard on Tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6164 or