“The Changing Face of Palliative Care”: EuHIC 2018 Berlin

“This is the second EuHIC conference I have taken part in. I am keen to challenge myths and inaccuracies about palliative care and make it less daunting and more accessible for patients” Dr.med. Faye Gishen.
The term ‘palliative care’ carries a certain level of fear for the patient. But should this be the case? End-of-life treatment is undoubtedly a part of it, then again many patients continue to have fruitful lives following diagnosis of an incurable disease.
“Whilst it’s not wrong to make that association, more work needs to be done to cater for the growing numbers of ‘incurable but treatable’ who are not ‘terminal’ and still need this type of support, in some ways like you would with a chronic condition” Ronny Allan “Palliative Care – it might just save your life”
The P word evidently has different meanings depending on patient circumstances. Regardless, there is certainly more to it than some people’s perception of only terminal treatment and hospice care.
Join Dr. med Adrian Tookman, Dr.med Christina Gerlach, Dr.med Faye Gishen and Ronny Allan at 14:00
Haus der Wirtschaft, Am Schillertheater 4, 10625 Berlin
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