PODD: Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery 6th Annual Event Announced

Press releases

The Conference Forum has announced that the 6th Annual Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery (PODD)conference will take place on October 27-28, 2016 at the Fairmont Copley Plaza in Boston, MA. This strategic-level event covers the latest drug delivery technology developments and fosters a network of more than 300 key decision makers in the drug delivery, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

PODD is chaired by Dr. Barbara Lueckel, Global Business Development Director at Roche and the opening keynote address is given by the renowned biomedical engineer, Dr. Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor at MIT. Three additional keynote speakers are scheduled for the event: Dr. George Church, a genetics pioneer and professor at Harvard University; Mir Imran, a leading medical device inventor and life sciences entrepreneur; and Dr. Jorg Thommes, Senior Vice President of Technical Development at Biogen.

On Day One, PODD delegates will hear from a distinguished speaking faculty on such topics as novel methods for cell and drug delivery, creative partnering models to support the earliest drug delivery innovations and keys to developing and maintaining successful drug delivery collaborations. In addition, there will be a full afternoon of drug delivery technology presentations in three tracks: Non-Injectable Delivery Technologies chaired by Ann Daugherty, PhD, Senior Manager of Drug Delivery at Genentech; Injectable Delivery Technologies chaired by Mark Wilson, Director of Platform Technology & Science at GSK and Director at SR One; and Drug Delivery Devices chaired by Ullrich Bruggemann, Head of Academics & Innovation at Sanofi.

On Day Two, the esteemed speakers will engage in discussions related to the delivery of high volume/high viscosity drugs, digital drug delivery, enabling technologies for small molecules and emerging diabetes therapies. Delegates will also hear the results of recent patient research studies and the importance of developing patient-centric products. Finally, there will be multiple technology presentations from emerging drug delivery start-ups, as well as business development presentations from leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.

The PODD event is proud to be sponsored by a host of companies, including 3M Drug Delivery Systems, iO Lifescience, Pfizer, Balda Healthcare, PharmaCircle, Battelle, Enable Injections, Phillips Medisize, Serina Therapeutics, Starpharma, Quotient Clinical, Nemera, Oakwood Laboratories, West, Sensile Medical, Renishaw, Lucideon and Portal Instruments.

PODD provides extensive networking opportunities ranging from pre-set partnering meetings to an evening reception, informal networking breaks to an exhibit hall with approximately 50 tech companies. Please visit the PODD website and learn why you should not miss the most valuable drug delivery partnering event in the US.

About the Conference Forum
The Conference Forum develops specialized events for professionals in the life science and healthcare industries. They currently offer conferences for R&D leadership for all size pharmas and biotechs, patient advocates,VCs and drug delivery specialists Their mission is to create the best content, networking and support among peers to help move therapeutics to patients faster. http://www.theconferenceforum.org

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