KOL Influence

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Who influences whom? Who’s connected to whom? Who collaborates with whom?

These are some of the most common questions we get asked.

No single visual can answer all the above questions, because each question is driven by its own research agenda. For example, a map built by analysing publication co-authorship within a therapy area does not necessarily equate to “influence” between those authors.

A true real-time map of the most influential HCPs should tell you about the 20% that can impact the behaviour and decision making of the other 80%. It should also enable you to do things like instantly find the most influential local speakers within 50 miles of your chosen event location or see a heat map of influence overlaid onto every state, and so on.

That’s why we use multiple tracking methodologies to create different maps to answer different questions.

Influence map: who influences whom? A true influence map built by collecting data from the field in real-time from multiple sources.

Connectivity map: who is the most connected within a group of Experts? And how do those connections manifest in actual collaborations amongst that group?

Collaboration map: who is an Expert collaborating with? In what capacity? How has it changed over time?

Spider map: what are the connections between a large group of Experts within a therapy area? What are the key nodes/clusters of high activity?

Hierarchy map: how do multiple generations of influence cascade out across a group of Experts e.g. Expert A only influences Expert B who in turn only influences C and D?

Fellowship map: where do Experts typically go to from a specific fellowship site? How do fellowship programmes connect Experts?

You see? There’s a map for every question!

Costantino Ciotti

Services & Innovations

+44 (0)20 8191 9823



System Analytic

System Analytic