Exciting developments in the 3D Cell Culture world

Full-thickness human skin-on-chip research and first stem cells using CRISPR genome activation
Get all updates at the 3D Cell Culture Conference, 21 - 22nd February 2018, London, UK
3D Cell Culture is becoming more established and researched within the pharmaceutical fields and some exciting developments have recently been featured within the latest research developments and the news:
There is an ever-growing need for the replacement of animal testing with reliable, reproducible and high-throughput alternative methods. This has been expedited by the banning of animal testing for cosmetic ingredients by European legislation and an increasing number of industrial chemicals for which risk assessments must be conducted. With respect to skin, three-dimensional (3D) human skin equivalents (SEs) derived from human cell lines are the state-of-the-art in vitro alternative approach, creating an organ-on-a-chip device. 3D cell culture-based biochips that model complex tissue/organ-level physiological and pathological states have enormous potential to revolutionize many pharmaceutical, toxicological, and cosmetic applications, including safety and efficacy, which currently rely on animal testing. Full article*
Learn more about the latest developments within the pharmaceutical industry, with regards to organ-on-a-chip models through presentations from Reyk Horland, Head of Business Development, TissUse GmbH (Day 2)
In a scientific first, researchers have turned skin cells from mice into stem cells by activating a specific gene in the cells using CRISPR technology. The innovative approach offers a potentially simpler technique to produce the valuable cell type and provides important insights into the cellular reprogramming process. Full article**
Max Salick, Postdoctoral Researcher from Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research will be covering topic of merging CRISPR-editing and single cell sequencing technologies to uncover the biology of human neurodevelopmental diseases in 3D
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3D Cell Culture Conference | 21 - 22nd February 2018 | London, UK
* © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702117304844
**By Dr Zara Kassam (Drug Target Review) https://www.drugtargetreview.com/news/29027/stem-cells-crispr-activation