3D Cell Culture 2018: Exclusive New Interviews Released

SMI REPORTS: SMI REPORTS: Expert insight into 3D Cell Culture advancements and challenges in commercialization
It is imperative for scientific researchers and drug discovery specialists to stay on top of the latest advancements, technologies and processes related to 3D Cell Culture. For this reason, SMi Group have gathered industry experts to share their insights at 3D Cell Culture 2018 taking place on 21st and 22nd February in London, UK
SMi Group had the opportunity to sit down with three of the featured speakers to discuss some of the challenges they face in the industry and their strategies for overcoming them.
When asked about the impact of 3D Cell culture on scientific research, Gary Allenby, Business Development Director and Chief Scientific Officer from Aurelia Bioscience said:
"The last several years have seen significant progress in the area of spheriod and organoid formation applied to cancer biology and liver biology / toxicity."
"Matrigel and similar substances have also been used to coalesce cells into spheroids for screening purposes. Furthermore, scaffold material has been used as a backbone on which to grow cells for neuronal studies. All of these approaches have advanced the knowledge in these research areas."
On the commercial challenges of developing 3D methods within an industrial setting, Stefan Przyborski, Professor of Cell Technology at Durham University commented:
"The wide adoption of a new technology often requires endorsement by multiple users and then other will follow. This also applies in the commercial sector where large in investments in technology will follow when the methods and their benefits are proven and accepted"
"For 3D cell culture, the benefits are now becoming clear for certain applications and there is a steady adoption of 3D technology in the commercial sector."
"Much depends on the supply and access of such technology, so commercialization of 3D technology, products and consumables is essential. Some commercial organizations would rather outsource such assays than develop them in-house and this is where Contract research organizations are developing 3D cell culture assays to offer the commercial sector."
When asked about the greatest innovation within 3D cell culture over recent years, Victor Santo, Senior Scientist at Immunocore said.
"I would say that single cell analysis methods and developments on imaging resolution and power are critical for 3D cell culture. Of course, the implementation of CRISPR-based cell engineering is currently having a tremendous impact in research projects."
The full interviews are available to read in the event download centre.
3D Cell Culture 2018 is sponsored by Jellagen Pty Ltd and Nexcelom Bioscience. It will take place on 21st and 22nd February at the Holiday Inn Kensington Forum in Central London, UK.
Further information including a full speaker line-up and detailed agenda is available online at www.3D-cellculture.com
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For media enquiries contact Teri Arri on Tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6162 / Email: tarri@smi-online.co.uk
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