Skin and Blister Agency, launch on a mission

Partner Content
Skin and Blister Founders_Katie and Fiona

On a mission to put the care back into healthcare communications, two sisters have launched Skin and Blister – a full-service creative agency.

Skin and Blister gather true insight to make complex information meaningful, accessible and useful to all. A sizable new business win is proof that Skin and Blister is an agency to watch.

The agency was born from a point of shared frustration.
“While working as freelancers, we noticed that some projects did not receive the full care that they deserved. It is time to bring it back.”  Katie Langdon, Founder and Creative Director

It comes with a promise to put clients and their challenges first.
“We care fully, with an ethos of challenges, not chores. With Skin and Blister, you aren’t paying for unnecessary extras. You get bespoke creative work, from our team of healthcare communications experts.” Fiona Edwards, Founder and Managing Director

Skin and Blister offers the full range of pharmaceutical marketing services. It also has a division dedicated to clinical trial patient recruitment and retention.

About the Founders

Raised by healthcare professionals, Katie and Fiona have healthcare in their blood. They have spent their entire careers working towards the launch of Skin and Blister.

Following a stint in medical communications, Katie went on to win multiple creative awards as a healthcare copywriter at Pan Communications, and later at Lime Advertising. She then worked extensively as a freelancer for small-to-large network agencies across the industry.

Fiona gained extensive client services experience at PBC, later Huntsworth Health, then through 7 years as a freelancer. She became a patient recruitment and retention expert, thanks to freelance work for Clinical Research Organisations, including Quintiles and INC Research.

Contact Details

Fiona Edwards. Founder + Managing Director

Call: +44 2080 501 656


Tweet: @skinandblister_

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Katie Langdon