Sanofi's Dupixent funded in Wales and Scotland for adolescents with eczema

Sanofi’s Dupixent (dupilumab) has been cleared for NHS funding in Wales and Scotland in adolescents with severe eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis.
The decisions from the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) and Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) follow NHS England’s decision to fund the drug through specialist arrangements.
The SMC said it recommended Dupixent for adults between 12 and 18 years of age with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema.
It is reserved for those patients not responding to existing systemic immunosuppreseants such as ciclosporin, or for those deemed unsuitable for these treatments.
The SMC’s decision came a few days after the AWMSG also okayed Dupixent, allowing it to be funded in the same patient group.
It is the first biologic drug licensed for use in adolescents, and unlike topical treatments it targets an underlying pathway that drives the disease.
In England, Dupixent was originally adolescents through the Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS).
Following the licence extension, Dupixent will be funded by NHS England under the NHS England Medicines for Children Policy.
Dupixent is already funded in adults in Scotland in a restricted use, for moderate to severe disease, in patients who have not responded to older immunosuppressants.
Dupixent (dupilumab) is a human monoclonal antibody that is designed to specifically inhibit overactive signaling of two key proteins, interleukin-4 and interleukin-13 (IL-4 and IL-13), which are believed to be major drivers of the persistent underlying inflammation in atopic dermatitis (AD).
The medicine is being jointly developed by Regeneron and Sanofi under a global collaboration agreement.
Magali Redding, founding CEO of Eczema Outreach Support, said: “This announcement will be welcome news for many teenagers with severe eczema in Scotland, who will now have access to a new treatment option for their chronic condition.
“Through the direct support we provide to young people with eczema and their families, we have gained a deep understanding of their daily struggles and dreams of a better future. Indeed, the impact of the condition on adolescents' physical and mental health is vastly underestimated. New treatments bring fresh hope to those struggling with severe AD on a daily basis.”