Bedrock, DDB and Insypher lead at PM Society Digital Awards 2018

Bedrock, DDB Remedy and Insypher each scored two Golds at last night’s PM Society Digital Awards 2018 in London.
Bedrock picked up its prizes in the Congress, Meetings & Events and Corporate Communications categories, DDB Remedy won in Film and Innovation - Creativity, and Insypher took home gold in Market Access and won Best Agency Digital Team.
Meanwhile, VCCP scooped four awards in total – a Gold, two Silvers and a Bronze, and Four Health took three, including a Gold, a Highly Commended and a Bronze.
There were Golds too for Big Pink, emotive., Hamell, Pegasus, The Purple Agency and 90TEN.
Awards chair Rachel Farrow (pictured left with awards host Romesh Ranganathan) said: “As we saw in 2017, there has been a wide spread of Gold awards across the agencies showing that there are numerous highly talented agencies producing outstanding digital work.
“Some are specialist digital agencies, others identify themselves as healthcare communications, medical education, creative, patient-focussed agencies, PR or market access agencies. What they have in common is that they can all deliver fantastic digital work and these awards allow that work to be highlighted.”
The PM Society Digital Awards 2018, now in its ninth year, saw the addition of a new category, that of Pharma Digital Partner, which was won by Norgine’s Kym Jacks Bryant, who saw off GSK’s Mary Andrews and Novo Nordisk’s Kasper Kofod.
Industry-side, Gilead was the only company to take two Gold Awards, one for its innovative HIV patient programme and the other for the film Are you Chris?
Meanwhile, ViiV Healthcare, Teva and Celgene all took a Gold and a Silver.
Gold winners at the PM Society Digital Awards 2018
Promotional Campaigns
Hamell Ltd - Maloff Protect Marketing Campaign
HCP Education & Support
emotive. - ART Perspectives
Patient Programmes
90TEN - My journey: Flight HIV101
Market Access
Insypher Ltd - Mavenclad budget impact model
Bedrock - Novartis ESC Congress Activities
Integrated Channel Campaign
Pegasus - Small Talk Saves Lives
Corporate Communications
Bedrock - This is Axiom
Internal Communications
The Purple Agency - EMEAC congress App
DDB Remedy - Are you Chris?
VCCP Health - Capaxone: World at their feet
Innovation: New Technology
Big Pink - HCP education side effects App
Innovation: Creativity
DDB Remedy - IFOS Hologram
Digital Account Manager
Sam Bradford Smith (Four Health Media)
Digital Team
Insypher Ltd
Pharma Digital Partner
Kym Jacks Bryant (Norgine)