NHSX backs 14 digital health projects after funding round

NHSX, the government agency tasked with digitally transforming NHS England, has granted funding to 14 projects in its first digital health award competition.
The Digital Health Partnership Award opened for applications in July and is aimed at projects that can help NHS organisations in England support patients with long term conditions focusing on supporting people at home.
The first round of funding was open to NHS organisations in England looking to scale up digital health programmes for more widespread use, with funding of £100,000, £250,000 or £500,000 on offer.
The 14 winners are:
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust, for a respiratory remote monitoring programme, partnered with patientMpower;
One Health Lewisham for a clinical messaging for hypertension support platform partnered with Doctaly Assist;
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust for a musculoskeletal (MSK) care pathway, with GetUBetter;
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, working with Luscii, for a platform aimed at evidence-based scaling of virtual wards;
East London NHS Foundation Trust, for a digital self-management and parental support resource aimed at children with eating disorders, developed with North East London Foundation Trust and Barnardo's;
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust for a surgical self-management pre- rehabilitation programme partnered with My mHealth;
South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System, for the application of remote monitoring to cardiac rehabilitation services, with the help of Aseptika;
NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight CCG working with University Hospital Southampton (UHS) on a self-care and remote monitoring support tool for primary care;
North Bristol NHS Trust, with My mHealth, for a digital health technology for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, for a secure video sharing platform developed in association with vCreate;
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Leeds Children's Hospital, partnered with DigiBete, for a programme to support children with type 2 diabetes;
Cambridge Community Services, NHS Trust and Doccla to scale up a remote health monitoring service aimed at frail patients;
Surrey Heartlands CCG – with Intechnology, Technomed and AliveCor – for hypertension remote monitoring services; and
North West London CCG for a collaborative virtual monitoring platform partnered with Luscii and digital health records specialist Patients Know Best.
"These organisations will have access to the expertise and support they need to adopt or expand their digital capabilities safely and effectively, allowing many more patients with long term conditions to receive their care from the comfort of their homes rather than always having to attend primary and acute settings," said Tara Donnelly, chief digital officer at NHSX.
Applications for a second funding round will open in November, according to the agency.