Merck launches map4health diabetes mobile app


Merck & Co has announced the US launch of a mobile app designed to help and enhance communications between diabetes patients and educators.

US-based Merck said the app known as map4health was developed as an extension of Journey for Control.

This collaboration between patient engagement programme Healthy Interactions and Merck began in 2007.

Map4health made its debut at this week’s American Association of Diabetes Educators annual conference in Baltimore.

The app is designed as a platform to help improve the quality of diabetes patient support in between in-person coaching sessions.

It enables patients to connect with educators through text and video-chat, as well as providing weekly digital activities to sustain patient engagement.

Patients may choose to securely log health information that their educators are able to review and respond to within the platform.

Healthy Interactions and Merck, in collaboration with the American Diabetes Association, launched Journey for Control in 2007.

The aim of the project was to develop tools focused on lifestyle and behavioural change to help healthcare providers improve diabetes management for people living with the disease.

Merck, known as Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) outside the US, markets several diabetes drugs, such as Januvia (sitagliptin), and the recently-approved Steglatro (ertugliflozin) as part of a partnership with Pfizer.

Like its other rivals in diabetes, Merck is trying to offer a range of digital side-offerings that aim to help patients with the condition.

[caption id="attachment_45980" align="alignleft" width="90"]Paul Lasiuk Paul Lasiuk[/caption]

Paul Lasiuk, co-founder and chief executive officer, Healthy Interactions, said: "Healthy Interactions has collaborated with Merck for over 10 years on Journey for Control to encourage patients living with diabetes to become more engaged stewards of their health.”

"Today, we are proud to introduce map4health, and believe this tool will further enhance the positive impact that diabetes educators are making in the lives of their patients."

Lisa French, associate vice president, strategy and commercial model innovation, Merck, said: "We are thrilled our work with Healthy Interactions will provide diabetes patients and educators a digital platform for dialogue and personalised self-management tools.”