eyeforpharma 2020: Redefining value for COVID-19 and beyond

The coronavirus pandemic was front and centre of everyone’s minds at this year’s spring eyeforpharma conferences – not least because the usual locations of Barcelona and Philadelphia had been swapped for completely virtual events. Nevertheless, with most speakers still in attendance, it was clear that the industry is keen to overcome the difficulties of lockdown to work together through these difficult times.
The pandemic didn’t just mean that most speakers were broadcasting from their kitchens – it also resulted in lively discussion on how market access might change in light of COVID-19, and indeed how the various drugs and vaccines that are speeding through trials might best be brought to a global market.
That said, pharma does not just treat COVID-19 patients, and access and reimbursement will remain persistent challenges during and after the pandemic – so many speakers opted instead to discuss ongoing trends like the use of patient reported outcomes and real world evidence (RWE).
Here we highlight some of the most interesting discussions to come out of the events.
• Read the full article in pharmaphorum's Deep Dive digital magazine