Successful medical marketing teams: the pharmaphorum podcast

Professor Brian D Smith medical marketing teams pharmaphorum podcast

The pharmaphorum podcast’s first episode of 2019 features Professor Brian D Smith on what makes a modern, and successful, medical marketing team. He spoke to Dominic Tyer about his fascinating work on pharma’s DNA and evolutionary trends within the industry, before drilling down into how it can be applied to pharmaceutical marketing.

[caption id="attachment_46268" align="alignleft" width="150"]Professor Brian D Smith talks to pharmaphorum on how pharmaceutical companies can assemble a modern, and successful, medical marketing team Brian D Smith[/caption]

A leading authority on the evolution of the life sciences industry, with a 40-year career that has seen him move from research to marketing to academia, Prof Smith has published over 300 books, papers and articles on the topic, including The Future of Pharma, Darwin's Medicine and Brand Therapy. He is currently a visiting professor at the University of Hertfordshire, adjunct professor at Milan’s SDA Bocconi School of Management and principle advisor at Pragmedic.

You can listen here to episode 6 of the pharmaphorum podcast, download the episode to your computer or find it – and subscribe to the series – in iTunes and Spotify.

25 February, 2019