Overcoming the five challenges to effective immuno-oncology trials

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Recent advances have seen immuno-therapy become a shining light within oncology research, transforming both the way cancer treatments are viewed and the potential standards of care and outcomes.

These are exciting developments, but at the same time can add huge complexities to the drug development process, particularly around the trial stages and processes. Particular areas of focus include more sophisticated site selection and advanced monitoring/oversight processes to moderate cost and risk, especially in early phases.

Quintiles' Eric Groves, MD, PhD, Vice President, Scientific Advisor, Advisory Services proposes there are five key challenges which when addressed, mitigate the majority of risks that can accompany immuno-oncology trials and has produced a blog which looks at each of them.

To view the blog and understand what these challenges are and how to approach them - please click here.

For further content relating to the challenges of immuno-oncology trials please click here.


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28 September, 2016