RNA Therapeutics 2022

SMi Group’s 13th Annual Conference:
RNA Therapeutics 2022
9th – 10th February 2022
London, UK
Sponsored by: BIA Separations & eTheRNA Immunotherapies
Bolstering the latest advances and opportunities in RNA-based medicine
The RNA therapeutics industry has grown at an exponential rate in recent years, with an increased spotlight following the industry’s leading role in developing vaccines against COVID-19 in response to the global pandemic. This year’s conference will reflect on how the industry has adapted and played a pivotal role in global health over the past year and will discuss the takeaways for future mRNA therapeutic development.
The 2022 agenda will explore innovations in novel and targeted delivery, RNAi innovations and antisense oligonucleotide therapeutics. Global experts from big pharma and leading biotechs will explore the emerging therapeutic applications of RNA with case studies on the treatment of cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases, and oncology.
Join us in February 2022, as SMi’s 13th annual RNA Therapeutics Conference brings together industry experts from leading RNA therapeutics companies to gain an expert and holistic view on the latest developments of the industry.
•Explore how mRNA vaccines have led the way in the response against COVID-19 and key takeaways for the industry
•Understand the potential of RNAi and antisense oligonucleotides for the treatment of cardiovascular and neurological diseases
•Delve into the latest innovations in novel RNA delivery and target specificity
•Engage in the growing advances and development of RNA tools for vaccines and anti-infectives.
View the full agenda and speaker line-up online: www.therapeutics-rna.com/pharmaphorum
Hashtag: #SMiRNA
Chair for 2022:
Heinrich Haas, VP RNA Formulation and Drug Delivery, BioNTech
Focus Day Chair for 2021: Steve Pascolo, Founder and CEO, Miescher Pharma
Featured speakers:
•Jimmy Weterings, Principal Scientist Oligonucleotide Chemistry, AstraZeneca
•Thomas Thum, Founder and Chief Scientifi c Officer, Cardior Pharmaceuticals
•Samir Ounzain, CEO, Haya Therapeutics
•David Lowe, Vice President, Research, Evox Therapeutics
•Alfica Sehgal, Vice President, Head of Discovery, CAMP4 Therapeutics
•Punit Seth, Vice President, Medicinal Chemistry, Ionis Pharmaceuticals
•Nagy Habib, Head of HBP Surgery, Co-Founder, Imperial College London and MiNA Therapeutics
•Dong Ki Lee, CEO, OliX Therapeutics
•Martin Akerman, Chief Technology Offi cer & Co-Founder, Envisagenics
Who should attend:
•Research & Development Directors/Managers/Scientists
•Heads of Clinical Development
•Heads of Pre-Clinical Development
•Head of RNA Biology
•Head of RNA Formulation and Drug Delivery
•Head of Pre-clinical R&D
•Head of New Modalities
•Head of Discovery
•Senior Scientists
•Chief Scientific Officers
•Chief Medical Officers
Register by 29th October 2021 to save £400
Register by 30th November 2021 to save £200
Register by 17th December 2021 to save £100
Registrations can be made on the event website at: www.therapeutics-rna.com/pharmaphorum
Additional Contact Info:
T: +44 (0) 20 7827 6154
E: ngaloria@smi-online.co.uk
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