Limited Places Available for J+D Forecasting Training Zurich

Training on the fundamentals of pharmaceutical forecasting
J+D’s next multi-client training course on pharmaceutical forecasting will take place in Zurich from 21-22 March 2019.
The multi-client format is a great way to share different examples of where the forecasting process has been successful – as well as those occasions that where it has gone less well. People find they not only learn from the extensive experience of the trainers but of their fellow attendees too.
The course is interactive and engaging, utilising practical industry case studies, group exercises and quizzes throughout.
The J+D pharmaceutical forecasting training course is aimed at forecasters, researchers, analysts and marketers and the training is based on four key modules:
- Forecasting process within the organisation
- Forecasting fundamental principles
- How to develop and communicate forecasts
- Data generation and management.
The aim of J+D pharmaceutical forecasting training is to help clients feel more confident about their investment decisions based on a better understanding of forecasting.
The focus is on building an understanding of key pharmaceutical forecasting principles, steps and methodologies, and how to apply them in everyday practice.
For anyone involved in pharmaceutical forecasting, business analytics, market research, forecasting, marketing and finance, this is a pharma training course that will prove to be an invaluable source of learning.
Example attendee job titles for Zurich: Customer & Market Insights, Business Analyst, Director of Commercial Development, Business Planning Manager.
In addition:
All attendees will receive free access to J+D’s online forecasting training and prompt cards for additional support as its online knowledge centre theHub.
The resource is based on pharma forecasting best practice and includes access to FC+ (the latest pharmaceutical forecasting software), a discussion forum and access to a variety of forecasting insights and data.
For those that book now the cost of the course is £1,900 per person and there’s here information, including on how to reserve places, here: J+D multi-client pharmaceutical forecasting training course.
J+D’s multi-client pharma workshops are well-established in the pharmaceutical industry, attracting attendees with a variety of abilities and from many different departments and pharmaceutical companies, including Lilly, Pfizer, Gilead and Merck Serono.