7th PREDiCT: Tumour Models London
Tumour Models London meeting returns for its 7th year and takes a reinvigorated approach towards closing the translational gap between predictable preclinical validation and successful clinical development. The meeting will dive into how emerging and classical model systems continue to evolve the early-stage decision making to more effectively support the translation from bench to patient. With new speakers, fresh case studies, and a more interactive format to the meeting agenda, Tumour Models London remains the leading forum for translational and preclinical scientists to really challenge how we optimise IO and Oncology-based research. Download the full event guide now to explore the most up to date agenda and speaker faculty.
ABOUT The PREDiCT Conference Series is dedicated to exploring the latest advances in the application of preclinical models to help us fail faster and get better disease modifying therapies from bench to patient. Tumour Models London sits at the interface of innovation in model development and therapeutic application. For the last 7 years it has, and will continue to, bring together a multidisciplinary mix of model developers, translational and pharmacology research scientists to debate how these tools should be further adapted to add immediate value to oncology and IO programmes.
WHY ATTEND? Merging its unique strategic focus and scientific quality of presentations, the event facilitates an environment of knowledge sharing and debate. Where other conferences require you sit and listen quietly, we’ve redesigned the meeting format to ensure interactivity throughout and make sure you’ll leave with actionable takeaways on model utility and applicability. So, whether you’re looking to benchmark your model approach or are seeking to explore new systems and technologies, Tumour Models London offers you a unique opportunity to plug into a ready-made network of peers who continue to redefine this area and have already solved the variety of challenges you’re facing.
- What new model and related technology initiatives are helping biopharma leaders drive translational and early-stage decision making
- How biopharma leaders are balancing the need for model complexity and relevance with time, throughput and cost
- What are the key criteria the leading biotech and pharma use to assess, select and characterise the array of tumour models
Download the full event guide now to explore the most up to date agenda and speaker faculty.