3rd Annual Computational Drug Development (CDD) for Biologics Summit

Returning for its 3rd year, Computational Drug Development for Biologics remains the only industry-centric meeting solely dedicated to exploring in-silico prediction, design, and modelling of biotherapeutics.
This year, case studies and discussions will centre on the applications to multispecific, linker-based biologics, vaccine and enzymes in early discovery, developability optimisation through to late preclinical assessments.
Through sharing of novel insights from our industry-leading faculty, topics to be discussed include:
- Improving predictability of target ID and validation
- Understanding protein/protein interactions
- Enhancing rational candidate selection
- Optimizing developability characteristics
What makes this event unique?
- A concerted attempt to provide an ambience at the conference that encourages interaction, exchange of ideas and networking opportunities among all participants
- A high-quality scientific program dedicated to exploring the applicability of the range of computational approaches at our fingertips for biologics design and developability
- A multidisciplinary mix of participants representing consortia, leading scientists and pharmaceutical business leaders