How digital could transform stakeholder engagement

Digital may be upending every aspect of the pharma industry, but many would assume that engagement activities like advisory boards, working groups and medical education will remain a bastion of face-to-face communication.
That’s not so, says Natalie Yeadon, co-owner and managing director of Impetus Digital. She believes that asynchronous stakeholder engagement platforms like her company’s are able to augment and, in many cases, supersede face-to-face meetings to bring real transformation to the industry.
“They can fill in what I call the ‘white space’ between face-to-face meetings,” she says.
She believes there are several clear drivers behind digital transformation in key opinion leader (KOL) engagement at the moment: “The competitive marketplace that we’re finding all of our brands in means it’s really pertinent that companies maintain or increase their mindshare with the people they’re working with.
• Read the full article in pharmaphorum's Deep Dive digital magazine here