How big pharma cares for its own

pharmaphorum podcast episode 102

Pharma companies have a mission to help their customers stay healthy. But what about their employees?

Nearly one in four adults lives with a diagnosable mental health condition, and for a company this means a quarter of your workforce might need help and support around their mental and behavioural health, an area that can be subject to no small amount of stigma.

On today’s podcast, host Jonah Comstock is joined by Jamie Eden, SVP of human resources at Boehringer Ingelheim, the world's largest private pharmaceutical company, for a conversation about what BI is doing to support the mental health of its workers.

Eden talks about the company’s experience with digital health offering Spring Health, about the importance of emphasising mental health and reducing stigma, and about what makes a mental health wellness offering work well, in general and at a pharma company in particular.

Together, they also discuss the changing norms around mental health and wellness, the supply and scaling problems that have emerged as a result, and how Boehringer as a large company went about finding the right supplier for this offering.

You can listen to episode 102 of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer, or find it - and subscribe to the rest of the series - in iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Podbean.