The Patient Centric Launch – business insights key to success in Europe

Launch excellence is rooted in the ability to understand and react to launch drivers in the marketplace, which of course change over time and differ from region to region.
One of the largest changes for our industry in recent times has been the concerted shift to true, actionable, patient centricity. The shift is being felt throughout the healthcare sector and by its numerous stakeholders, none more so than the pharmaceutical industry.
We present a digital debate in which our expert panel will analyse and discuss what the patient-centric evolution means for launches across Europe, what challenges and opportunities this presents and how it is and will continue to alter the optimum recipe for launch excellence.
Join us and PHOENIX group as we delve into the concept of current launch excellence and the role of patient insights in overcoming the multiple challenges the industry currently faces. Key topics that were discussed include:
- The challenges of launching a product in Europe
- How pharma can improve its understanding of the process through the use of business intelligence
- How insights from new data can be applied to the process of launch excellence
- The role of real-world data in launch strategy
- The downstream effect of applying real-world data to product launch on patient outcomes.
The live webinar took place on Wednesday 30 November at 13.00 GMT/14.00 CET/08.00 EST. To watch the on-demand version, please click here or on the button above/below.
Nina Felton, Head of Business Intelligence, PHOENIX group
Nina has extensive experience in the healthcare industry, having worked for companies such as Pfizer and Wyeth in marketing and sales roles, which involved the launching of new products. She also worked for over 12 years with IMS Health in their management consulting division. Nina started her career as a biochemist and has gained experience as the Managing Director of a primary market research company, in medical communications and is a qualified psychotherapist and executive coach. She joined the PHOENIX group two years ago and is responsible for developing their new initiatives in Business Intelligence, working across Europe.
Nick Cooper, EUCAN Regional Marketing Team, MSD
Nick has worked for MSD for 6 years, originally in the New Zealand subsidiary, across a wide variety of roles, including market research, business development, sales force effectiveness, marketing and management (often many of them at the same time!). Prior to that, he worked in Institutional banking for BNY Mellon, thus joining the pharmaceutical industry has offered many new and interesting experiences! At present Nick is part of the EUCAN Regional Marketing team, working on a wide variety of initiatives focusing on primary care franchises (e.g. Cardio, Diabetes) and perhaps critically for this session, is currently the launch lead for a major product.
Laurence (Larry) R. Smith II, Executive Director, Capability & Innovation Accelerator (CIA), MSD
Larry has been with MSD for over 15 years and currently leads the CIA team. His focus is creating new innovative capabilities and frameworks that help marketing and extended teams enhance their strategic thinking to drive performance. Prior to his current role, Larry was overseas for five years as a Regional Marketing Lead for the Respiratory franchise in Europe and a Franchise Director for Pain & Inflammation in the UK and was also the Director of Marketing for the HPV franchise during the launch of GARDASIL®. Before joining MSD, Larry spent 12 years in healthcare advertising in New York City and Chicago working with clients such as Pfizer, Wyeth, Boehringer Ingelheim and TAP pharmaceuticals. He also was part of a management team for a neurosurgical practice management start-up, NeuroSource.
Andrew McConaghie, Managing Editor, pharmaphorum (moderator)
Andrew is pharmaphorum’s managing editor, feature media. He writes on a range of topics covering pharmaceutical and biotech R&D, marketing and market access, and issues affecting patients and global healthcare systems, especially the UK’s NHS.
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