Sales coaching: preparing for the new reality in pharma

White Papers
Genuine Transformation: Preparing for Pharma’s New Sales Coaching Reality

COVID-19 has been a catalyst for a huge amount of change across the pharmaceutical industry, acting as an accelerant for progress in its use of digital technology and prompting a reassessment of how the sales function should work.

The pandemic’s first effects on pharma sales were swift and immediate, as lockdowns were put in place and doctors did everything they could to avoid unnecessary face-to-face contact with patients and representatives.

This prompted a huge shift to virtual contact, and the extent to which that will continue post-COVID has already been the subject of much debate.

A new white paper from 60 Seconds, Genuine Transformation: Preparing for Pharma’s New Sales Coaching Reality, looks at the recent evolution of the pharma sales function and discusses how training and coaching changed during the pandemic and how to prepare for what is coming next.

As the world adjusts to a new sense of normality, it’s clear that the central role for sales won’t change, but the environment will – and companies that don’t respond to this will fall behind.

Pledges to adopt an omnichannel approach in sales and marketing already have a renewed urgency to them, and upskilling sales representatives will be a key part of this.

But, if instilling change in an organisation is difficult at the best of times, these are clearly not the best of times. Consequently, sales training needs to adjust to its own new reality – one that places a premium always on remote engagement that can be methodical, manageable and measurable.

The industry faces the dawn of a new age in sales coaching. This white paper explains how to adjust to it.

About 60 Seconds

60 Seconds is a remote coaching app designed to help users communicate with greater clarity through practice, coaching and measurement. It was built by a coach for coaches to deliver measurable learning momentum. For more information visit: