Patient power in Europe – more work to be done

Views & Analysis
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In the latest edition of Deep Dive: Patient centricity, pharmaphorum’s Andrew McConaghie talks to Kaisa Immonen, the co-chair of the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Patients’ and Consumers’ Working Party (PCWP), about what the EMA and pharma industry can do to promote patient involvement in decision making.

It is 10 years since the PCWP was established and Kaisa picks out several achievements as highlights from that time, including its input into the pharmacovigilance legislation, introduced in 2012.

The PCWP has also been closely involved in awareness-raising activity, and giving feedback on the EMA website on public information regarding adverse reactions.

She also examines the role of health literacy and its implications for the communication of risks and benefits in medicines to a lay audience.

Find out more in the full interview here.

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Linda Banks