Media perspectives: Dr Sarah Brewer


Hannah Blake interviews Dr Sarah Brewer

Your Wellness magazine

The aim of our media perspectives series is to speak with journalists in the healthcare and pharma fields on their thoughts about some of the biggest and craziest stories from over the years, along with a look at social media, and how the rise in different social media channels affects media today.

Our latest interview is with Dr Sarah Brewer, who began her career as a GP before moving into health communications and finally into her current position as Editor of Your Wellness magazine. Sarah explains this career progression in our interview, as she felt that as a doctor she was only able to send around twenty health messages a day, whereas as a journalist, she had the potential to share two million messages a day.

To listen to the full interview, please click on the play button below.


00:15 – Sarah’s background as a GP and the reasons why she moved into health communications.

00:53 –What Sarah finds most interesting about being a health journalist.

01:24 – What Sarah believes to be the biggest story in the pharma / healthcare industries.

01:54 – The craziest health story Sarah’s reported on.

02:43 – Some of the concerns people have written into Your Wellness magazine about.

03:10 – The ways in which social media has affected Sarah’s way of working.

03:44 – A look towards the future of the health industry.

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About the interviewee:

Dr Sarah Brewer is a qualified GP, registered nutritionist, registered nutritional therapist and an award-winning health writer. She is currently Editor of Your Wellness magazine, which focuses on health concerns, corporate wellness, diet and nutrition, the environment and family.

What has been the craziest health story you’ve come across over the years?

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